Pep Tea Kombucha Tea bottles now Amber Coloured
By: admin On: 1 March 2021

There is no change in the product or the labels or the rated Best Before date of 12 months at Manufacture Sugar Free, Kombucha Tea bottles change over to an Amber coloured bottles
Pep Tea have announced that they will be changing their Organic, Sugar Free, Kombucha Tea bottles over to an Amber coloured bottle this month.
Amber offers a better protection against light wave lengths within the 10 nm to 400 nm range. This is the ideal spectrum to protect against UV light radiation, which is why many pharmaceutical and beverage manufacturers choose amber bottles.
There is no change in the product or the labels or the rated Best Before date of 12 months at Manufacture. Just a change in colour for a slight improvement in the protection of the product from UV light.
Pep Tea offers four tried and tested favourite flavours. Their kombucha is a scientifically balanced product with no issues with being too fizzy. Its also famously "shelf stable" so it requires no refrigeration untill opened.
More importantly Pep Tea kombucha has ZERO sugar and each batch is tested to ensure that it remains below the Australian and New Zealand Food Standard of not greater than 0.05% alcohol.
Kombucha is a brewed product and is nuturally an effervescent drink, however if you find a kombucha that is very fizzy then it a high chance that it is not meeting that critical standard.
A great kombucha has true Kumbucha probiotics not artificial probiotics added.
Get the best. Try Pep Tea Sugar Free Organic Kombucha.